With the events that happened today in Japan I want to encourage you all to set down with your family/friends/partners the people who are central to your life and would be concerned about your wellbeing if you or a loved one found themselves reacting to a ‘disaster’ situation.
I talk to people about it and they roll their eyes and chuckle like it’s never going to happen.
Set some time aside, get everyone together for a dinner or a BBQ and hand these out to the people you care about and those who care about you. The site also gives lists of emergency kits you keep in your home and your car.
If you can’t afford a cell phone go buy a 20 dollar go phone and get 20 or 30 minutes of talk time, just in case you need it. Because if the world is ever pulled out of your feet, wouldn’t you be better off knowing that you have discussed the possible aftermath with everyone.
Also, people talk trash on Twitter and Facebook, but people in Japan were actually able to locate loved ones using Twitter and Facebook because the phones were overloaded with calls, but they could still connect to the internet.
If it were for me to decide we would all live peaceful lives and never need to even discuss these things, but there is a myriad of dangers that could go off at anytime, anywhere.
Here are some additional links:
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