Saturday, November 13, 2010


I am a poet, I am romantic, I am sentimental, I am trustworthy but have trouble trusting. I am an artist without an art and a writer without a pen. I am a dreamer in search of his dreams. I am curious and easily entertained. I am loyal probably to a fault.

I am a work in progress with no scheduled completion date.

I am detached and emotionally unavailable. I have trouble letting people get close to me and I don’t want to become attached to anyone. I am sarcastic and witty. I have lost sight of the joy in holidays. I have trouble asking for help and don’t accept it easily. I have trouble caring about things. I have trouble forgiving and I never forget.

I am a work in progress with no scheduled completion date.

True love does exist. It is blindingly beautiful and utterly devastating.

Love at first sight exists, I know this for a fact.

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