Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A New Year

"A New Year"

As we pass through this portal,
From a year that may have been a mess.
I hope that the journey has given,
Your life more meaning not less.

I hope that the passing,
Or enduring of this past year.
Has left you with far more joy,
And far fewer tears.

But should you feel the reverse,
Striking your heart so cold and true.
Then I now hope that the coming year,
Holds far more joy than tears for you.

Danny Gunter

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Safe In The Shade

"Safe In The Shade"
A road off to the side.
Also a worn winding path.
All set neatly around,
A beautifully branched tree.
The path or the road?
Where do either lead?
So rest safe in the shade,
Feel the quiet and just be free.